I’m speaking at European SharePoint Best Practices Conference 2011

imageI’m delighted to announce I'm speaking at the up and coming European SharePoint Best Practice Conference 2011 on Wednesday 13th April 2011 at 11:30 http://www.sharepointbestpractices.co.uk/Abstracts_COM.html#COM614:

This session will talk about sharing thoughts about how to prepare for SharePoint 2010 whether this be an upgrade or a greenfield implementation and things to consider to make the implementation as successful as possible. I will touch on planning the upgrade / implementation and how best to do it, who to involve, discuss challenges and how to overcome them

Due to work commitments I’m only going to be at the conference on the Wednesday, however I look forward to meeting some of the friends I've connected with on Twitter face to face so come and say hello and hope you can join me in my session.

Hide / Remove Web Parts in SharePoint 2010

I came across a requirement where a client was looking to hide web parts for use in SharePoint. Before reading any further I’ve only carried out some light testing on this to see if its suitable but seems a viable solution and happy to get feedback on this.

The ideal solution would be to have a similar user interface to that that hides site templates and page layouts however this isn't available for web parts.

So the solution is really simple, for those web parts you don't want to display you can do one of two things:

1. Delete the web part from the gallery

2.Sever security permissions for that web part for those you don't want to use the web part.

I prefer the option 2 as this allows to easily reinstate the web part should things change in the future.

So exploring option 2 navigate to site settings at the root of the site collection and select web parts from galleries.


Click edit next to the web part you wish to hide.

Web parts gallery – sever inheritance add users who you may want to add these web parts.


As shown above click ‘manage permissions’. From here as you would with any item in SharePoint edit the permissions to allow only those who you wish to use this web part.


Simply stop inheriting from the parent and remove these users who you don't wish to have access. For the purposes of my quick test I removed all users so you will have to do some more testing as to allowing specific users.

For a quick test I removed the advancedsearchbox web part and logged in as standard site admin (not site collection admin) and the web part was removed from the list available as shown below when editing a page.


To add the web part back into the list simply reapply inheritance to the specific web part.


Your web part should then reappear in the list below.


Please note no IISRESET is required to do this.

SharePoint User Group (SUGUK) Slides – Preparing for SharePoint 2010 & Real world experiences

I’ve added my slides below from the SharePoint User Group meeting I presented at on 9th March 2011.

My presentation was on Preparing for SharePoint 2010 and Real world experiences. I wanted to share some of the challenges and issues I face when consulting so to help others where possible avoid these or at the very least be aware of them so there’s no hidden surprises.

This was my first time presenting to the user group and I have to say I really enjoyed it. It was really pleasing to hear it was encouraging others who haven't yet presented to start thinking about it.

Those who are interested in speaking but not quite sure what to present on I thought I'd share a few of personal interest to me:

  • Access Services
  • Claims
  • Forefront
  • PowerShell
  • Performance Point / BI
  • Accessibility

Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts on what you’d like to see at the next event and I’ll happily feed them back.

Thank you to everyone who attended including Steve Eyton-Jones for organising and a special thank you to Penny Coventry who not only provided 2 of her books (Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 Step by Step) to give away at the event but also offered to cover for me as I was in danger of not making it. See you at the next one!